with Lau Lukkarila und Slim Soledad and music by Marshall Vincent
performance / video, 2022/2023
(c) Laura Nitsch

Joesph Kadow

Sunny Pfalzer with Lau Lukkarila, Slim Soledad, I Know What to Do (2022), Performance, as part of Voice Over #2 – A perfomative gathering at KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, 2023; Photos: Eva Hoppe
Vibing is a structural matter and repetition can be brutal. It is the feeling of a teenager, posing in front of a mirror, with a blush of shame on their pretty face. Not yet in full capacity to grasp the social implications of their creation, but eager to learn. “It is easy to be with me, just for a moment” the image says. Can you stretch my ankle while I try to be myself? Yes, I know what to do.
This project was kindly supported by Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport Land Niederösterreich Förderung Abteilung Kunst und Kultur
Neustartkultur - Prozessförderung