Las Trenzas
Performance and Video 2017-2018

Mexico City:


„Las Trenzas“ (eng.: „The Braids“) is a performance that takes place in different spaces like urban areas, online or within the exhibition context. The first action of „Las Trenzas“ is the performance documented in the video above. It lasted for five hours and took place in the „Sistema de Transporte Colectivo“, the public metro system of Mexico City. A three-minute song and a choreography were performed in four stations, the moments in between are improvised

„Las Trenzas“ are inspired by hooligans, cheerleaders, superheroes, military task forces and aliens. The lyrics are inspired by Hito Steyerls „The Wretched of the Screen“, Ursula Biemans documentary „Performing the Border“, Gloria Anzalduas „Borderlands“ and Mexico City

Mexico City, 2017-2018
Performers: Carolina Bailón, Suavitel Paper, Dalinka Flores, Anahí „Dragonzito“ Juárez, Safo Mami, Karla Frías, Natalia Marmolejo & Lilly Pfalzer
Choreography: Gabriela Piña
Translation: Suavitel Paper
Camera: Mexican Jihad, Daniela de la Torre y Daniel Perezcoronel

Vienna, 2018
Performers: Denice Bourbon, Jessyca R. Hauser, Anna Green, Ingrid Dorfinger, Nana Mandl, Charlotte Gash, Sally von Rosen, Sigrid Mau & Claudia Lomoschitz, Luna Ghisetti, Lisa-Maria Ernst, Sebastiano Sing
Camera: Magdalena Fischer

Actions of „Las Trenzas“ Dec. 2017-June 2018:
Performance and installation @Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Wien
Performance & Konzert mit PUSSY RIOT @Viva Latina, Mexiko City
Performance; Panel mit Ana Yeli Perez, Nadya Tolokonnikova und Sandra Escutia @Teatro Lúcido, Mexico City
Performance @HUSH HUSH, San Francisco
Videoscreening und Diskussion @Cráter Invertido, Mexico City
Einzelausstellung @Ladrón galería, Mexico City
Performance @Traición, Mexico City

Img.1-3 Mexico City 2017 (c) las trenzas
Img.4-6 Academy of fine Arts Vienna 2018 (c) Magdalena Fischer