Gangs of performative Activism is a workshop and an intervention, which focuses on performative strategies in activism historically and in the present and on the question through which embodied experiences a community can form. The workshop overviews Pfalzers previous research and compares the performative strategies of: activist groups such as Pussy Riot; art collectives such as Guerilla Girls, and the structural approach of projects like Silent University and will provide an analysis of the methodologies of performative activism, such as: costume/anonymity/uniform, collective empathy, common objectives, collaborative actions like singing in a choir. The group engages with the methodologies of performative activism, embodies them and prepares for an intervention in public space to experience the strength and perils of anonymity, communal bodies and collective identity. The intervention attempts to irritate daily conventions of moving and witnessing. The workshop is an attemt to share the desire of moving differently on the street and by that queering public spaces.
General introduction:
The workshop queering orientations focuses on thinking with the whole body and combining theoretical practice with movement practice. How do we orient ourselves outside of point A to point B thinking? Queer in this context is not only understood in terms of sexual orientation, but in terms of finding alternative ways of researching through lateral, intuitive and tentacle-like thinking, not forgetting that the root of queerness requires a constant shift against the grain.
Further thoughts and theoretical references:
“Orientations are about how we begin, how we proceed from here” Sara Ahmed talks in her text “Orientations: Toward a Queer Phenomenology” about the point of view from where we start to think. What is surrounding us and towards what are we oriented? Hito Steyrl outlines in her text “In free Fall” the history of western perspective and gaze. She further describes a state of “free fall” where we have “no common ground” (fixed ideology). She describes an in-between-state that we inhabit. Anzaldua proposes an understanding of the Borderlands not only in a geographical way but also in terms of sexual orientation an outlines these borderlands as an analogy to the in-between.
The exercises of the workshop propose an embodiment of these perspectives and a pleasure and a potential of being in the inbetween.
Depending on the context and group the texts that will be read in the workshop will be adapted.

¿Qué significa asumirse queer en la vida cotidiana? ¿Qué es una frontera? ¿Es una delimitación geográfica que divide al norte del sur o algo tangible que experimentamos día con día? ¿Quiénes somos en Instagram y quiénes somos sentadas en el metro? ¿Para qué sirven nuestros cuerpos en estos dos contextos distintos? ¿Qué representamos? ¿Qué sucede con los cuerpos masculinos, femeninos y queer tanto online como en las frontera
En este taller intentaremos trabajar desde un acercamiento queer. Entraremos en trance juntas, gritaremos juntas y quizá nos daremos bofetadas entre nosotras. Este taller no incluye las respuestas a las preguntas anteriores pero abarca distintos métodos de investigación.
El taller incluye una sesión larga de improvisación. La música DEBIT hicó una mezcla especialmente por la sesión de improvisación.